Saturday, July 28, 2007

Hello there. Well we have nearly been in Canada for 1 year and it has gone over so quick. To be honest it has not been that easy to say the least, and Canada is not how I imagined it. but we're getting there. The kids have settled in now, Holly was not sure at first she hated it, she missed home, missed her friends, we went through a bad time at school, but she got through that and is looking forward to going up to grade 4, she has some lovely friends and knowing that she will grow up with them is great. Liv is 5 years old today. We have had a great day, we have just sang happy birthday to her for the second time today, the first time was at our good friend Melanie's, she made her a little cake and bought her a stuffed horse which she loved, and tomorrow we are having a little party for her and inviting 6 of her friends. We took her and Holly to Boppers for dinner and Tom spent the whole time reading Harry Potter (thanks to Mel) as she has lent the book to Tom but has said she wants it back in two weeks, so that will be him stuck with his head in it for the next two weeks, not sure what everyone sees in him to be honest. (Harry Potter that is).

This is the McCombe family in Canada blog.


Debbie & Gary said...

HI Dee

Love the Blog page. We miss and love you lots. Looking forward to visiting next year.

Lots of love

Debs x

Denise McCombe said...

Hi Debs

Thanks for your comment, it was great to get a reply from you. And I can't wait to see you all next year too.

hemesley's said...

Hello Denise Tom Holly and Olivia,
Well, I am sitting behind my father's computer in Holland and I have just vieuwed your 'blog'. It is really wonderful and very special to see your daily life in Canada like this. (Has Tom lost weight?)

Anonymous said...

hi denise ,
hope you are all ok glad to hear olivia had a good birthday , love to you all from deb john johm danielle and the boo too xxxxx