Monday, August 6, 2007

Beach Buddy's

Holiday Beach, Lake Erie

Today we spent the day at Holiday beach, on Lake Erie. We had to pay $8 to get into the conservation area but it was well worth the money. It was a beautiful day. The kids spent most of the time in the water and burying each other and Tom spent the time taking photographs. I just lay there watching the kids play, and planning my next scrapage with all the photo's Tom was taking.

Little Liv

This was taken of Liv the day before her 5th birthday. I did this page at Scraptherapy. It is a store that holds a scrap night every Friday and that is my highlight of the week. I get to scrap for 5 hours and have a great laugh with other women who go there, we all have the same in common and get on really well. I get lots of tips and if we run out of anything Amanda has her store open until midnight, which is great!

Our Holly

I started scrap booking in November last year and have been totally hooked on it ever since. This is a page that I did of Holly. The photographs were taken in Tom's studio. I placed some journalling which you can pull out and read, it is placed at the back of her main picture on the right hand side, so in years to come she will sit and read what she did at that stage of her life. I have now got Holly on to it, but find she want to spend my scrap time helping her, she has started her own collection of scrapbook supplies most of it is the stuff that I have used on a previous page. It is the best hobby that I have ever had and hope that Holly and liv enjoy it as much as I do.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

The day of Livi's birthday party

Tom in bed with Harry Potter

He started reading Harry Potter @ 3 In the afternoon

Nanny Norine

Holly & Liv out side St. David's

Today was another busy day. Olivia had her official birthday party today she invited her little friends round and had a great time. We then went to visit our dear friend Noreen, the kids call her nanny Norine, they have adopted her as their nanny, as one of their Nanny's live in Scotland and the other in Runcorn, England, they love to visit Noreen and have now made another friend called Hildagarde, who loves to do jigsaw puzzles with Holly. It has been a very tiring day today and I can't wait to go to bed. Tom is sat on the couch reading, and the kids are in bed. Tomorrow Holly has horseriding camp all week so it should be a very tiring week for her, little Liv will spend the week with me, I will be taking her to the outdool pool which is great in this weather.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Our Home

Livi in Tom's studio

Usma, Holly and Michelle going to school.

This is my last post for today. As you have gathered I have been very excited about my blog, hence all the pics. I just want to let you in on our life in canada.

This is for Juliana